International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) <p>International Journal of Education, Social Studies, and Management (IJESSM) is an international journal published based on studies covering education, social and management. Articles in the form of published journals have gone through the stages of the IJESSM journal provisions, for that each author is expected to understand the scope, template and publication ethics that exist in this journal.</p> LPPPIPublishing en-US International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2775-4154 Enhancing Vocabulary Mastery Using Scrabble Game <p>Vocabulary is a collection of words or phrases that are understood in a particular language and used by humans to communicate in everyday life. The researcher saw that the vocabulary ability of Yapenthom 1 Junior High School students was still very minimal, therefore the researcher conducted a study aimed at increasing vocabulary in students. The researcher used the scrabble game method as a teaching tool to improve English vocabulary in students. Scrabble game is a game played by small groups to arrange letters into words so that this game can improve vocabulary in students. This study used a classroom action research method to collect data conducted in one class. The results of Classroom Action Research in cycle one with an mean score of 61.77%. In cycle two the mean score was 71.59% and in the third cycle with an mean score of 92.95% from the results of this study indicate that the Scrabble game media is suitable for use in learning English. Besides that the scrabble game changes the atmosphere of the class to be more active and greatly helps students in increasing English vocabulary.</p> Maria Anastasia Mbere Marselus Yumelking Lusiana Mariyeta Balik Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-18 2025-01-18 5 1 1 18 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.591 Resilience Management in Generation Z Entrepreneurs in Medan City <p>The purpose of this study is to understand the extent to which resilience management influences the performance of generation Z entrepreneurs in Medan City. The type of research that is relevant to answer the questions in this study uses quantitative research. The sample used to represent the population in this study used a random sample of 50 respondents from generation Z entrepreneurs in Medan City. To answer the hypothesis in this study using multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show that pressure has a significant effect on the performance of generation Z entrepreneurs in Medan City. Risk has a significant effect on the performance of generation Z entrepreneurs in Medan City.</p> Saut Maruli Tua Pandiangan Donny Dharmawan Mashudi Hariyanto Endah Pujiastuti Erasma Fitilai Zalogo Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-18 2025-01-18 5 1 19 26 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.593 Evaluation of Consumer Purchase Decisions at Cafe on the Wheels: What is the Role of Social Media Marketing, Brand Image, and Product Quality? <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social media marketing, brand image, product quality on purchase intention and purchase decision for consumers of café on the wheels Jago Coffee. The research method uses Quantitative with a survey approach. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling sampling with criteria. The criteria used are, have bought Jago Coffee at least once in the last 4 months, live in Jakarta City, know the existence of Instagram social media from Jago Coffee (@Jagoid) and have seen the content. The sample in this study were 303 respondents. The data analysis technique uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through AMOS 23 software and SPSS version 25 to analyze and manage research data. The results of this study indicate that: first, social media marketing, brand image, product quality have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. Second, social media marketing, brand image, product quality, and purchase intention have a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions.</p> Alda Fuadiyah Usep Suhud Nofriska Krissanya Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 27 44 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.589 The Effect of Quality of Work Life and Organizational Justice on Employee Performance at PT Bank Central Asia TBK KCP Teluk Betung <p>This study aims to identify, investigate, and assess the impact of quality of work life and organizational justice on employee performance at PT BCA, Tbk Betung Bay Headquarters. The sample for this study consisted of 19 employees from PT BCA, Tbk Betung Bay Headquarters. The justification for using the entire population as the sample is that it represents the full population; if the population is fewer than 100, all individuals are included as study samples. Consequently, the researcher selected all 19 employees as the study sample. This study employed quantitative data analysis, involving the evaluation and interpretation of data through statistical computations to draw conclusions. To facilitate the analysis, the researcher used the SPSS program. The findings of the study indicate that both the quality of work life and organizational justice significantly impact employee performance at PT BCA, Tbk Betung Bay Headquarters.</p> Hendri Dunan Nindy Felia Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 45 56 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.594 Factors that Influence Customer Satisfaction with Kitha Sukardi Hamdani's Geprek Chicken <p>This study will identify and analyze the elements that influence consumer satisfaction at Ayam Geprek Kitha Sukardi Hamdani. This study uses an unknown number of consumers of Crushed Chicken Kitha Sukardi Hamdani, so the sampling approach used is the theory of hair, and the research sample is 100 consumers. Researchers collect data from primary sources, especially questionnaire given to respondents, then tested using SPSS version 25 with multiple linear regression tests, determinants tests, partial tests, simultaneous tests. assessing research conclusion using multiple linear analysis. Based on the results of the study, it is clear that all elements, including product quality, price, location, and service quality, can affect consumer satisfaction at Ayam Geprek This is the story of Kitha Sukardi Hamdani.</p> Natalia Karolina Tarigan Habiburahman Habiburahman Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 57 71 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.595 The Concept of Communication in the Quran; Analysis of Theory and Practice <p>From the analysis conducted on the basic concept of Islamic communication, it can be concluded that Islamic communication is formulated as a process of exchanging messages based on Islamic teachings with the aim of achieving truth, harmony, and the pleasure of Allah. Its principles include honesty (as-sidq), trustworthiness, justice (al-'adalah), wisdom, and moderation (wasatiyyah). These principles guide every aspect of communication to be oriented towards moral and transcendental values, distinguishing it from secular communication which often focuses on pragmatic or materialistic goals. Dakwah communication aims to convey Islamic teachings wisely, wisely, and compassionately, as exemplified by the prophets. Prophetic communication, which emphasizes prophetic qualities such as shiddiq (honest), amanah (trustworthy), tabligh (delivering), and fathanah (intelligent), has high relevance in the modern world. In this context, da'wah and prophetic communication can be applied through social media, education, and interactive dialogue that prioritizes Islamic ethics, so that it is effective in countering disinformation, resolving conflicts, and strengthening harmonious social relations. The main sources of Islamic communication are the Qur'an, Hadith, and other sources such as ijma (consensus of scholars) and qiyas (legal analogy) are the main foundations of Islamic communication. The Qur'an provides moral guidelines and principles of fair and honest communication. Hadith exemplifies the communication practices of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which are full of wisdom and compassion. The relevance of these sources in modern life lies in their ability to be a guide to communication ethics, both in interpersonal relationships and in the use of communication technology.</p> M. Taufiq Hidayah Tanjung Abdullah Abdullah Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 72 85 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.629 Improving Islamic Communication in Organizations to Improve Large Family Ukhuwah Abituren Musthafawiyah (Dictionary) Medan City <p>This journal discusses the importance of grounding Islamic communication in the Abi Turen Musthafawiyah Extended Family (KAMUS) organization in Medan City. Effective communication based on Islamic values ??is expected to strengthen brotherhood between members. Through a qualitative approach, this research analyzes existing communication practices in organizations and their impact on relationships between members. The research results show that the application of Islamic communication principles can increase the sense of brotherhood and solidarity among KAMUS members.</p> Wirda Delima Abdullah Abdullah Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 85 97 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.630 The Role of E-Wom, Brand Image, Brand Experience, and Brand Trust in Shaping Repurchase Intention on Healthy Instant Noodle Products <p>This study aims to determine the effect of electronic word of mouth, brand image¸ brand experience, and brand trust on repurchase intention on healthy instant noodle products. The research method used in this research is quantitative method by distributing questionnaires. Sampling using purposive sampling technique by obtaining 341 respondents as samples. The population in this study are consumers of healthy instant noodle products who live in the DKI Jakarta area and have consumed at least one healthy instant noodle product in the last six months. This research was processed using SPSS version 26.0 software and SEM (Structural Equation Model) through AMOS to analyze and generate data from this study. The results of this study indicate that: First, electronic word of mouth, brand image¸ brand experience have a positive and significant influence on brand trust. Second, electronic word of mouth, brand image¸ brand experience, and brand trust have a positive and significant influence on repurchase intention.</p> Amanda Safira Puteri Usep Suhud Nofriska Krissanya Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 98 112 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.598 Comprehensive Analysis of Al-Ahkam Al-Khomsah: Islamic Law Perspective and Contemporary Implementation <p>This journal article presents a comprehensive analysis of Al-Ahkam Al-Khomsah, a fundamental concept in Islamic jurisprudence that classifies actions into five legal categories: obligatory (<em>wajib</em>), recommended (<em>mandub</em>), permissible (<em>mubah</em>), disliked (<em>makruh</em>), and prohibited (<em>haram</em>). The study explores the traditional Islamic law perspective of these categories, which guide the ethical and legal conduct of Muslims. Additionally, the paper examines how these rulings are interpreted and applied in contemporary contexts, considering the challenges posed by globalization, technological advances, and social changes. The analysis highlights how Islamic scholars have adapted the understanding of Al-Ahkam Al-Khomsah to address modern issues, such as evolving social norms, new technological innovations, and legal systems. Through this exploration, the paper aims to provide a nuanced understanding of how Islamic law continues to shape both individual behavior and societal development in the modern world while remaining rooted in its classical principles. The findings underscore the dynamic nature of Islamic jurisprudence and its capacity to offer relevant guidance in addressing contemporary challenges.</p> Suhaimis Suhaimis Saifullah Saifullah Tamrin Kamal Desi Asmaret Julhadi Julhadi Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 113 121 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.600 The Effect of Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Fintech Payment on The Performance of UMKM in Bandar Lampung City <p>Research to see financial technology, financial inclusion, and financial literacy in influencing the performance of MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City. The population in this research is MSMEs in Bandar Lampung, the sample size is calculated using the Slovin technique, resulting in 100 MSME respondents. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, and the results of the questionnaire will be tested using SPSS 27 with a multiple linear approach. This study found that financial inclusion, financial literacy, and financial technology can positively influence the performance of MSMEs partially and simultaneously.</p> Achmad Sonni Nahdlo Alkavi Luke Suciyati Amna Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 5 1 122 132 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.607 The Effect of Total Quality Management and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at Cv. Pelangi Mitra Bandar Lampung <p>This study aims to test employee performance at CV. Pelangi Mitra Bandar Lampung which is influenced by TQM and work motivation both individually and simultaneously. This research has a quantitative approach. The employee population owned by CV. Pelangi Mitra Bandar Lampung is 30 people which is called a saturated sample. Furthermore, questionnaires were distributed and the results were tested using SPSS 27 software with multiple linear tests. The results of this study, employee performance at CV. Pelangi Mitra Bandar Lampung is positively and significantly influenced by work motivation and overall quality management. Based on the results of the study, increasing employee work motivation and overall quality management implementation standards will directly increase productivity. This means that optimal employee performance will help achieve overall organizational goals if TQM and work motivation are implemented properly.</p> Arrafi Ghaniyy Farida Efriyanti Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 5 1 133 145 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.606 The Impact of Microfinance Institutions on the Growth of Umkm: a Case Study of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil (BMT) at Al-Amin Mosque, Deli Serdang <p>This study aims to analyze the impact of Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT) at Al-Amin Mosque, Deli Serdang, on the growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Using a mixed-method approach through quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, this study examines changes in indicators of turnover, business assets, workforce, and profitability of MSMEs before and after receiving financing from BMT. The results of the study indicate that BMT financing services have a positive impact on MSME growth. Average turnover increased by 60%, business assets increased, and 40% of respondents were able to employ additional workers. In addition, business profitability also increased significantly. However, this study also found several obstacles, such as low financial management capabilities and limited market access. This indicates the need to strengthen technology-based service innovation and coaching programs to support the sustainability of MSMEs. This study concludes that BMTs play a strategic role in empowering the local economy through sharia-based microfinance services. The results of this study provide recommendations for the development of similar MFIs to support MSME growth more effectively and inclusively.</p> Fildzah Hani Salsabila Syahputri Dendi Dwi Putra Ritonga Fitri Hayati Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 5 1 146 152 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.605 The Role of Microfinance Institutions in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES): a Case Study of Budi Gadai <p>This study examines the role of microfinance institutions in supporting the development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), with a case study on Budi Gadai, located on Jalan Pancing. The objective of this research is to analyze how microfinance, particularly Budi Gadai, contributes to the growth and sustainability of MSMEs through accessible financing and financial management guidance. The research employs a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and analysis of business performance data from MSME clients of Budi Gadai. The findings indicate that Budi Gadai provides a significant impact on MSME growth by offering simplified loan access, which helps business owners overcome financing barriers. The majority of MSMEs reported increased revenue and business expansion after obtaining funding from Budi Gadai. However, challenges remain, such as high interest rates and limited loan amounts. Nevertheless, Budi Gadai plays a critical role in the economic resilience of MSMEs, especially during periods of financial crisis. This study concludes that microfinance institutions like Budi Gadai are essential for the sustainability and growth of MSMEs, particularly in urban areas.</p> Yeli Roren Adinda Puan Rizky Bonamanobing Alwi Alviansha Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 5 1 153 160 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.608 Operational Management for Business Production Processes <p>The purpose of this study is to provide an explanation of the theory of operational management related to the production process in a company. To achieve this goal, the research method used is a literature study approach and a theory development approach based on the work of Richar L. Darft on operational management and Jay Heizer and Barry Render on production. The data collection method uses documentation research. Data processing methods involve reducing, presenting, and drawing conclusions. The method for ensuring the validity of data uses source triangulation. The results of the study indicate that operational management is the process of managing and utilizing resources for the benefit of the company's work services, production is the process of producing goods and services desired by people who work in the company and operational production management is a way of utilizing resources owned to make products that are valuable to the company. This includes planning the production process, which means planning materials and the process of making products, organizing the production process, which means dividing equipment, materials, and labor, directing the production process, which means creating standard operating procedures and product quality, and controlling the production process, which means evaluating work and product results.</p> Hotbona Novandi Tambunan Rio Haribowo Akbar Akbar Musran Munizu Saut Maruli Tua Pandiangan Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 5 1 161 169 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.601 The Role of Muslim Women as Content Creators: Building Islamic Communication Values <p>The development of communication technology has significantly transformed the way humans communicate and share information. Social media, as one of the new forms of internet-based media, has become an active platform for women, especially Muslim women, to act as users, content creators, and agents of social change. This paper examines the role of Muslim women as content creators in conveying Islamic values through social media, focusing on the analysis of Islamic communication principles applied.The study uses the TikTok account @anggi.22.4, owned by Cut Anggi, as a case study to identify how the produced content effectively communicates messages aligned with the principles of tabligh (conveying the truth), amar ma'ruf nahi munkar (encouraging good and preventing evil), and hikmah (wisdom). The findings demonstrate that a polite, simple approach rooted in Islamic values can have a positive impact on netizens, both Muslim and non-Muslim.This paper provides insights into how Muslim women as content creators can become effective agents of change through digital communication based on Islamic values, while also addressing the challenges of digital culture in the modern era.</p> Elvi Sumanti Abdullah Abdullah Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 5 1 170 184 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.631 Analysis of Impulsive Buying Among Generation Z and Millennials in Bekasi City: What is the Role of Flash Sales and Live Shopping? <p>This study aims to explore the effect of flash sales, live shopping, and consumer trust on positive emotion in influencing impulsive buying behavior. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collected through questionnaires from 251 respondents who are Shopee e-commerce users in Bekasi City. Data analysis was carried out using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method through AMOS software. The results showed that flash sales and live shopping have a positive and significant influence on impulsive buying and positive emotion. In addition, consumer trust was also found to play an important role in increasing positive emotion which in turn encourages impulsive buying behavior. These findings confirm that promotional factors and consumer trust play an important role in creating positive emotions that can trigger spontaneous purchase decisions on e-commerce platforms. </p> Nanda Sari Hidayah Usep Suhud Ika Febrilia Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 5 1 185 199 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.625 Islamic Communication in Government: a Theorical and Practical Analysis <p>The application of Islamic communication principles in government has the potential to improve the quality of public communication and strengthen the relationship between the government and the community. Honesty and trustworthiness as the basis for proper communication can ensure that the information conveyed to the community is true and reliable. In this regard, the Indonesian government needs to continue to strive to uphold these values, which will reduce public doubts about the policies and information disseminated. However, the biggest challenge in integrating Islamic communication principles into the Indonesian government system is the incompatibility between these values ??and political practices that tend to be pragmatic and influenced by personal or group interests. In facing this challenge, the government needs to strengthen integrity education and ensure that every official and state institution acts in accordance with Islamic principles that demand honesty and accountability. In addition, Islamic communication can also play a role in reducing social and political polarization. The principle of moderation (wasatiyyah) is very important for building harmonious dialogue in a pluralistic society, such as Indonesia. By prioritizing an inclusive and balanced attitude, the principle of moderation can help society to accept differences, avoid extremism, and encourage social solidarity.</p> Cuanda Mitra Perdana Abdullah Abdullah Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal Of Education, Social Studies, And Management (IJESSM) 2025-01-27 2025-01-27 5 1 200 213 10.52121/ijessm.v5i1.632